Or not. Here's some pictures from a parade in Mulheim, a city about 30 minutes by train outside of Freiburg. In southern Germany Fasnacht is a huge holiday (the same as Karneval in Cologne, or Mardi Gras in New Orleans) and they start having fun a few weeks before hand sometimes (I guess since this parade was about 2 weeks before Fat Tuesday).
Anyway, I have never seen more confetti in my life. It took me about a week to get every last bit out of my clothing (the people in the parade walk around with large bags and try to get it on as many spectators as possible). Also, there are large party floats with blaring techno music and crazily dressed pagan like creatures. And they're all drinking wine. And it lasts 2 hours. It didn't get as crazy as one would think, but then again, we didn't stay through the evening when I'm sure things got even more fun.
Here's a few pictures to sample of the parade:
I think this band played a rendition of some 80's American pop song... also, I heard a german version of Billy Joel - Can't stop the fire (techno remix). I laughed out loud.
These guys were blasting techno and throwing confetti. Scary...
And.... erm... SpongeBob? He's innocuous.
These guys would sneak up behind people and stuff confetti down their coats
Anders and Adam and confetti everywhere
And for all you food junkies: Here's a picture of some breakfast in Berlin (more pictures from that trip to follow shortly)
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