
Nothing To Worry About

Is it just me, or does the the Peter, Bjorn, and John song 'Nothing to Worry About' seem to rip off the vocal line of Justice's 'D.A.N.C.E.'. While there's nothing wrong with stealing melodies and riffs for a new creation, it's still a bit disconcerting when 'D.A.N.C.E.' is still fairly recent (at least rap samples tend to wait for a song's normal pop shelf life expire). Not to say the new PB&J track isn't good, because it is, but it's almost as if they're looking for another hit on the size of 'Young Folks'. And where 'Young Folks' was altogether original (or at least not so blatantly ripping off another tune) this new one seems to not share the purity of the predecessor. Also, it's a bit of a departure for PB&J. Where 'Young Folks' was the most instantly danceable and memorable song in an otherwise subdued album (not to say the other songs aren't memorable, they are, just that they're not so forthright about it). Either way it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the album plays out. Maybe they'll all steal Justice hooks. Which might not be half bad...

Here's the song: Nothing to Worry About

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